To act as liaison between DIFC Courts and all users of the DIFC Courts, including legal practitioners that are registered with the DIFC Courts.
To assist the DIFC Courts to provide an efficient, accessible, transparent and professional service to its users.
To advise the Courts about:
To suggest ways of improving the efficiency of the Courts’ procedures so that cases can be heard and determined efficiently, cost effectively and without undue delay, all without compromising the quality of the service and the Courts’ aim of dealing fairly and justly with all users.
Scope of Authority
The CUC shall advise the Chief Justice about administrative issues related to the Courts and any other appropriate issues which will help increase the level of users’ satisfaction. The CUC shall not have any authority over the implementation of the suggestions or the advice, judicial matters and/or the administrative work of the Courts, including without limitation:
and the Chairperson shall, in his or her sole discretion, determine which matters may properly be considered to be covered by this section.
The CUC shall consist of the following voting members:
Members representing the law firms shall be a partner-level standing within a Part I registered law firm: having no less than 10 years’ experience in litigation and/or dispute resolution.
In addition, the Chief Registrar and Registrar of the Courts shall be ex-officio but non-voting members.
Each voting member shall be represented by a delegate (the “Delegate’) who shall have the right to vote on behalf of the member at meetings. It is the responsibility of the member to nominate that Delegate and to inform the Chairperson should that nomination change.
Each Delegate may be accompanied by another person (i.e., a professional colleague) on prior notice to the Chairperson, but such other person shall not have any voting rights.
If a Delegate is unable to attend a proxy may be permitted to attend on prior notice to the Chairperson. Such proxy shall have the same voting rights as the Delegate.
For the avoidance of doubt, it is expected that Delegates will make every effort to attend all CUC meetings and the nomination of a proxy shall be exceptional.
Not less than one month prior to the first meeting of each calendar year the Secretary of the CUC shall write to all practitioners registered with it, requesting nominations to join the CUC.
Each nomination submitted must be accompanied by detailed reasons for the nomination, including details of the intended Delegate.
At the first CUC meeting of each calendar year the voting members shall elect to the CUC from the nominees:
Upon the election of those members, the longest serving UAE Firm, International Firm, Domestic Firm and Individual Practitioner shall retire from the Committee. Should two or more members of Group 2, Group 3, Group 4 and Group 5, be due to retire at the same time, they shall endeavour to agree which member shall retire, failing which the decision shall be referred to the Chief Justice.
In the event the number of:
Should any member fail to send the Delegate or a proxy to two consecutive meetings without having provided a reasonable excuse to the Chairperson, that membership shall be revoked.
The CUC may establish sub-committees and may appoint any person to assist the Committee, or to serve on a sub-committee. All sub-committees shall conduct their activities in accordance with the objectives of the CUC and subject to any directions of the CUC.
The Chief Justice may, if he considers it in the best interests of the CUC and its goals, vary or amend this Charter upon notification, and if time permits, consultation, with the CUC. In addition, should the Committee wish to vary or amend this Charter, that request shall be made on behalf of the CUC by its Chairperson to the Chief Justice.
The CUC shall be chaired by the Chief Registrar of the DIFC Courts.
Each meeting of the CUC will be chaired by the Chairperson, or by another individual nominated by the Chairperson and chosen from among the Delegates or the Registrar.
The Chairperson will be in charge of:
Meeting Votes and Documentation
The venue for each meeting shall be determined by the Chairperson.
A quorum shall be duly constituted when at least four voting members or their Delegates are represented at the meeting. When a quorum is present, matters shall be determined by a majority vote cast on behalf of voting Members who are represented at the meeting.
The Chief Justice shall have the deadlock vote after consultation with the Chairperson of the CUC.
It is the responsibility of the CUC Secretary, who will be one of the Courts’ staff, to compile the necessary documents in a timely manner.
The CUC Secretary shall record minutes of each meeting which shall be distributed to all members not later than two weeks thereafter.
At any of its meetings, the CUC may determine, by a majority of the voting members present, that all or part of the proceedings shall be treated as confidential to its members.
The CUC shall hold three meetings a year during the first two weeks of the months of April, September, and December, or at such other times as they may agree. Further meetings may be called by the Chairperson on his or her own motion or upon the request of three voting members of the CUC upon not less than three days’ notice in writing to all members.