DIFC Courts

Initiative complements cooperation agreement between the parties to exchange best practices and enhance quality of judicial training, legal studies and vocational education

Dubai Judicial Institute, a leading centre for legal studies and judicial training in Dubai, has announced that it is hosting a workshop on the procedures and practices of the "Dubai International Financial Center Courts" (DIFC Courts), on the 26th and 27th of September 2010. This initiative follows the cooperation agreement signed between the two parties, to promote joint cooperation, share information and adopt best practices related to the legal and judicial system, while also working together to organise relevant conferences, seminars and events in order to develop a pool of competent human resources in the judicial sector and to reinforce the role of law in boosting sustainable growth.

Through this two-day interactive workshop, both "DIFC Courts" and "DJI" are seeking to make legal experts and specialists aware of the important professional practices followed by courts, including specialization, and case, assignment, application, bankruptcy and conduct management. On the sidelines of the event, a series of lectures will be delivered by a number of prominent speakers and experts. DIFC Courts' Deputy Chief Justice Sir Anthony Colman will give a lecture titled "Case Management", while Mr. Mark Beer will deliver a talk titled "General Rules on Costs". A third lecture titled "Jurisdiction" will be given by H.E. Justice Omar Al-Muhairi, while H.E. Justice Sir John Chadwick will give a lecture titled "Trial Preparation", and H.E. Justice Ali Al-Madhani will deliver a talk titled "Introduction to the Small Claims Tribunal", among others

Commenting on the event, H.E. Justice Dr. Jamal Al-Sumaiti, Director General of DJI, said, "The interactive workshop has been organised in collaboration with DIFC Courts, in line with our cooperation agreement in the areas of judicial and legal training, field studies and vocational guidance. Through this initiative, which we seek to enable legal practitioners and judicial and public prosecution workers to be acquainted with best professional practices relevant to the judicature and ongoing efforts to maintain justice, security and equity according to the Dubai Strategic Plan 2015. We have prepared the facilities that are crucial to successfully realise the objectives of this initiative and have encouraged law practitioners and stakeholders of the legal and justice system to attend this event. We have also opened the registration for all other interested persons, including those without prior knowledge of public law. In addition, we have provided instant translation services from Arabic to English and vice versa during all sessions. With the success of this initiative, we are certainly looking forward to launch similar projects that will encourage the adoption of internationally recognised best practices and boost the level of confidence in the UAE judicial system."

Deputy Chief Justice, Sir Anthony Colman said, "I am pleased to have the opportunity to speak on behalf of the DIFC Courts and provide insight into the workings of the DIFC Courts to the attendees of the workshop. The Courts have taken great strides to implement several initiatives such as the Small Claims Tribunal, Pro Bono Programme and The Professional Code of Conduct in furtherance of our mission to provide swift, efficient and transparent justice to all Court users. The workshop which is divided into several sessions is an effective way to convey detailed information about the DIFC Courts' practice and procedures such as case management, preparation for and conduct of a trial, DIFC Courts jurisdiction and Enforcement, among other topics."

H.E. Justice Omar Al Muhairi, said, "The DIFC Courts are honoured to participate in a workshop in collaboration with the Dubai Judicial Institute and provide further information on our many efforts and procedures that are in place to benefit the DIFC Courts' users and the community at-large. My esteemed colleagues and speakers provided an introduction to the DIFC Courts as an independent, common law legal system, and the various initiatives in which the Courts are involved in furthering regional justice. This two-day workshop is key in continuing to provide transparency on the way the DIFC Courts adjudicate cases and enforce judgments."

The Dubai Judicial Institute was established in 1996 to help educate and train aspiring judges, prosecutors and their assistants, legal experts and lawyers. DJI also offers habilitation programs for public prosecutors to enhance their efficiency. The Institute provides training and consultancy services to various public and private sector agencies and institutions and conducts local, regional and global research and studies on all areas of law and jurisdiction.

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For more information please contact:

James Hawksworth Capital MS&L Tel: +971 4 367 6158 Email: james.hawksworth@capitalmsl.com Orna Theboul Capital MS&L Tel: +971 4 367 6164 Email: orna.theboul@capitalmsl.com

About the DIFC Courts

The DIFC Courts is an independent court system set up to uphold the provisions of DIFC laws and regulations. They provide the protection of an English language, common law court system, with an internationally renowned bench of judges versed in commercial disputes, to ensure transparent and efficient justice in civil and commercial matters in or relating to the Centre. The overriding objective of the DIFC Courts is to deal with cases justly and swiftly and to help parties settle cases. Designed to deal specifically with the sophisticated transactions conducted within the DIFC, the DIFC Courts provide comprehensive legal redress in civil and commercial matters. Along with offering the highest standards in legal dispute resolution and a judicial system based on international best practices, DIFC Courts provide a small claims tribunal which is unique in the region. In January 2008, DIFC Courts appointed the first female judge in the UAE and announced that two Emirati judges had become common law International Judges. The DIFC Courts were established under laws enacted by The Late His Highness Sheikh Maktoum bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Ruler of Dubai in September 2004. The DIFC Courts are an independent judicial system which has jurisdiction over matters arising from and within the DIFC. The DIFC Courts were established under two new laws enacted by His Highness Sheikh Maktoum bin Rashid Maktoum, Ruler of Dubai. Dubai Law No. 12 of 2004 established the Judicial Authority at the DIFC and sets out the jurisdiction of the court and allows for the independent administration of justice in the DIFC. The laws establishing the DIFC Courts are designed to ensure the highest international standards of legal procedure thus ensuring that the DIFC Courts provide the certainty, flexibility and efficiency expected by the global institutions operating within the DIFC.

About the DIFC

The Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) is an onshore hub for global finance. It bridges the time gap between the financial centres of Hong Kong and London and services a region with the largest untapped emerging market for financial services. In just three years, over 600 firms have registered at the DIFC. They operate in an open environment complemented with world-class regulations and standards. The DIFC offers its member institutions incentives such as 100 per cent foreign ownership, zero tax on income and profits and no restrictions on foreign exchange. In addition their business benefits from modern infrastructure, operational support and business continuity facilities of uncompromisingly high standards.