DIFC Courts

Interested parties have until 5PM on October 26, 2013, to participate in consultation on proposed changes to court


Dubai, United Arab Emirates; September 26, 2013: The DIFC Courts

, Dubai’s established English language, commercial common law judicial system, today opened a month-long consultation period on proposed amendments to the rules
The Rules of the Dubai International Financial Centre Courts 2007 or any re-enactment or modification thereof.
governing court procedures.

The Rules

of the DIFC Courts (RDC) have the overriding objective of enabling the courts
The courts established in the DIFC, that is the Court of First Instance and/or the Court of Appeal.
to deal with cases justly and to ensure that all parties are on an equal footing. The UAE
The United Arab Emirates.
legal community, and any other individuals or groups with an interest in commercial law in the country, are invited to submit their observations, comments and suggestions on proposed substantive RDC changes via email to the DIFC Courts at Consultation@difccourts.ae. All feedback will be considered by the DIFC Courts before the final Rules of the DIFC Courts 2013 are published later in the year.

Michael Hwang, Chief Justice

of the DIFC Courts, said: “The DIFC Courts are committed to regularly assessing and benchmarking our rules and procedures against the world’s leading jurisdictions in order to ensure Dubai remains at the forefront of commercial legal best practice. We have identified a number of amendments that we believe will enhance the workings of the DIFC Courts, and we welcome the contributions of all interested parties during this month-long consultation period.”

A full table of all proposed substantive changes to the Rules of the DIFC Courts 2013 can be found at www.difccourts.ae

The consultation will close at 17.00 on October 26, 2013.