DIFC Courts

Schedule to Part 29

General form of Jurat

Sworn [affirmed] at  ……………………………………………………………}
on ……………………………………………………………… 20 …………………………………
on ……………………………………………………………… 20 …………………………………
before me ………………………………………………………………………}

(Notary Public/

An Officer of the Court appointed to take affidavits)

Certificate to be used where a deponent to an affidavit is unable to read or sign it

Sworn at ……… on ……… Before me, I having first read over the contents of this affidavit to the deponent [if there are exhibits, add ‘and explained the nature and effect of the exhibits referred to in it’] who appeared to understand it and approved its content as accurate, and made his mark on the affidavit in my presence.

Or; (after, Before me) the witness to the mark of the deponent having been first sworn that he had read over etc. (as above) and that he saw him make his mark on the affidavit. (Witness must sign).

Certificate to be used where a deponent to an affirmation is unable to read or sign it

Affirmed at ……… on ……… Before me, I having first read over the contents of this affirmation to the deponent [if there are exhibits, add’ and explained the nature and effect of the exhibits referred to in it’] who appeared to understand it and approved its content as accurate, and made his mark on the affirmation in my presence.

Or, (after, Before me) the witness to the mark of the deponent having been first sworn that he had read over etc. (as above) and that he saw him make his mark on the affirmation. (Witness must sign).